Pipelines module

Module for the super-resolution reconstruction pipeline.

class pymialsrtk.pipelines.anatomical.srr.AnatomicalPipeline(bids_dir, output_dir, subject, p_stacks_order, sr_id, session=None, paramTV=None, use_manual_masks=False)[source]

Class used to represent the workflow of the Super-Resolution reconstruction pipeline.

bids_dir <string>

BIDS root directory (required)

output_dir <string>

Output derivatives directory (required)

subject <string>

Subject ID (in the form sub-XX)

wf <nipype.pipeline.Workflow>

Nipype workflow of the reconstruction pipeline

dictsink <nipype.interfaces.io.JSONFileSink>

Nipype node used to generate a JSON file that store provenance metadata for the SR-reconstructed images

deltatTV <string>

Super-resolution optimization time-step

lambdaTV <Float>

Regularization weight (default is 0.75)

primal_dual_loops <string>

Number of primal/dual loops used in the optimization of the total-variation super-resolution algorithm.

sr_id <string>

ID of the reconstruction useful to distinguish when multiple reconstructions with different order of stacks are run on the same subject

session <string>

Session ID if applicable (in the form ses-YY)

p_stacks_order list<<int>>

List of stack indices that specify the order of the stacks

use_manual_masks <Boolean>

If set to True, use manual masks expected to be in /output_dir/manual_masks.


>>> from pymialsrtk.pipelines.anatomical.srr import AnatomicalPipeline
>>> # Create a new instance
>>> pipeline = AnatomicalPipeline('/path/to/bids_dir',
                              paramTV={deltatTV = "0.001",
                                       lambdaTV = "0.75",
                                       primal_dual_loops = "20"},
>>> # Create the super resolution Nipype workflow
>>> pipeline.create_workflow()
>>> # Execute the workflow
>>> res = pipeline.run(number_of_cores=1) # doctest: +SKIP

Create the Niype workflow of the super-resolution pipeline.

It is composed of a succession of Nodes and their corresponding parameters, where the output of node i goes to the input of node i+1.


Execute the workflow of the super-resolution reconstruction pipeline.

Nipype execution engine will take care of the management and execution of all processing steps involved in the super-resolution reconstruction pipeline. Note that the complete execution graph is saved as a PNG image to support transparency on the whole processing.

Parameters:<int> (number_of_cores) – Number of cores / CPUs used by the workflow